Meet Marilou Butcher Roth

How Did I Get Here?

What I am currently doing within my coaching and consulting practice is relatively unique and you may well be asking what qualifies me to be doing this incredibly important work.

In 1986, I was licensed as a sales agent in the State of Ohio. My husband and I opened our own brokerage in 2002 and I became the principal broker in 2009. My affiliation with associations began very early in my career, and has spanned local, state and national associations with an extensive degree of participation, including directorship on all three levels.

While all of my real estate activities were happening, I went through a divorce and began my own personal quest to become the best that I could be in all that I did. One thing led to another and through the work I was doing at my then brokerage, I was told by a national coach that what I was actually doing was coaching. This was around 1990 and from then on, I tightened up where I sought training, attending Coach University and Corporate Coach University. Following that I did a two year apprenticeship with The Hendricks Institute. There are countless certifications that I hold as well that create added value in my coaching toolbox.

As my coaching practice grew, I found that I organically moved into working with associations, bringing my coaching tools to them. I love how life works! Working with Associations on every level is my passion! When the associations are sound and healthy, the benefits not only to the members become evident, but it moves into the work the Realtors do with their clients.

I know that doing this work is where I am meant to be………and I love it!

My Background & Approach

One of my main goals within my practice is to assist my clients, either individually or in groups, to access their “authentic confidence”, which brings forth a natural and easeful transformation in all areas of their lives. My tool box is overflowing with countless methods to facilitate these changes, along with many years of coaching experience.

These tools have come from countless trainings, including Coach University, Corporate Coach University, a two year apprentice with The Hendricks Institute. I also carry certifications as a Transformational Breath Coach, Bodymind Vibrance Coach and a Conscious Relationship Coach.

More importantly, I feel, is my ability to tune into the individual needs of my clients, rather than following a set format. This has, in my estimation, been the foundation of my practice.

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